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Virtual Classroom Training

Educational Services

Virtuaalinen luokkahuonekoulutus tarjoaa käytännöllisen ja tehokkaan ratkaisun jatkuvaan ammatilliseen kehitykseen. Jokaista istuntoa varten luodaan yhdessä kouluttajamme kanssa räätälöity sisältö, jotta tiimisi saa parhaan mahdollisen hyödyn näistä VILT-istunnoista. Osana laajempaa yhdistelmäoppimisratkaisua Laerdalin virtuaalikurssit tarjoavat erittäin tehokkaan ja kattavan oppimiskokemuksen.

Nämä kurssit tarjoavat mukaansatempaavan ympäristön, jossa osallistujat voivat ottaa yhteyden sisältöön ja olla vuorovaikutuksessa sekä kouluttajan että muiden osallistujien kanssa:

  • ammattimaista opetusta
  • kätevä aikataulutus
  • räätälöity koulutus
  • vuorovaikutteinen oppiminen
  • virtuaalinen verkostoituminen

Mitä on odotettavissa?

Virtuaaliluokkahuoneet tarjoavat perinteisen luokkahuonekoulutuksen edut (kuten live-opetus, kouluttajan antama palaute ja sovittu osallistumisaikataulu) omassa ympäristössäsi. Tarvitset vain tietokoneen tai tabletin ja nopean Internet-yhteyden.


Virtuaalinen luokkahuonekoulutus tarjoaa:

  • Live-koulutus ohjaajan johdolla
  • kurssimateriaalin jakelu
  • reaaliaikaiset kysymykset ja vastaukset
  • Live-chat
  • todistus kurssin suorittamisesta
Näillä keskeisillä eduilla:

  • mahdollisuus mukauttaa istunnon sisältöä ja nopeutta ryhmäsi tarpeiden mukaan
  • henkilökohtainen vuorovaikutus kouluttajan kanssa
  • tarjoaa räätälöityä koulutusta enintään kahdeksalle (8) henkilölle organisaatiossasi

Maintain Simulation Training Through Virtual Learning

During these challenging times many are seeking creative ways to maintain or build their simulation training competencies. Laerdal's Virtual Training courses are designed to bring basic level "just in time" training from the convenience of your own environment. Whether you need assistance implementing remote simulations or need basic simulator or software training, we can help.


Available Courses


Creating Themes with LLEAP
Enhance your training simulations through LLEAP's cutting-edge theme customization. Craft authentic scenarios, refine skill development, and facilitate seamless transitions through our two-hour live virtual training session. Experience unparalleled customization and empower your expertise with LLEAP's Personalized Themes.

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CORE Debriefing
The CORE Debriefing workshop is a blended learning course, which comprises a one-day teaching session that can be delivered live at your site or virtually and is coupled with a complementary eCourse.

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Scenario Programming SimDesigner
Developed as an advanced level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for running simulations. This six-hour live instructor-led virtual training can be split into multiple sessions and will teach you how to design your own scenarios using Laerdal’s SimDesigner application.

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Teaching with SimPad
Developed as a beginner level course and geared toward any user who will be responsible for running simulations using a SimPad. This six-hour live instructor-led virtual training can be split into multiple sessions and will teach you how to start using SimPad in your education.

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Teaching with LLEAP
Developed as a beginner level course and geared toward any user who will be responsible for running simulations using LLEAP. This six-hour live instructor-led virtual training can be split into multiple sessions and will teach you how to start using LLEAP in your education.

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Simulation as an Educational Modality
Developed as a beginner level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for operating the simulator. This two-hour live instructor-led virtual training will focus on the how and why of simulation as a modality, and less on specific simulators. Attendees can expect a thorough introduction or review of concepts including problem-based learning, experiential learning, reflective learning, and scaffolding.

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Intro to Simuneering
Developed as a beginner level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for operating the simulator. This two-hour live instructor-led virtual training will help users get the most out of their resources with practical, cost-effective solutions that will preserve the simulator’s warranty.

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Simulation Lab Organization
Developed as a beginner level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for operating the simulation lab. This two-hour live instructor-led virtual training will offer best practices to consider when remodeling, building or planning a simulation space.

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Tele-Simulation - Using LLEAP to Facilitate Virtual Sims
Developed as an intermediate level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for facilitating simulation. This six-hour live instructor-led virtual training can be split into multiple sessions and will enhance users' capabilities with software in face-to-face simulations as well as when conducting virtual simulations.

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Navigating LLEAP

Developed as a beginner level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for operating the simulator. This two-hour live instructor-led virtual training will teach how to navigate and control features of the LLEAP software.

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Navigating SimPad 

Developed as a beginner level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for operating the simulator. This two-hour live instructor-led virtual training will teach you how to navigate and control features of the SimPad software.

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Creating Themes for SimPad 

Developed as an intermediate level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for programming or editing themes. This two-hour live instructor-led virtual training will teach you why and how to create Themes for SimPad.

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Simulation Strategies 

Developed as a beginner to an intermediate level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for running simulations. This 90-minute live instructor-led virtual training will teach you how to design and develop a simulation. 

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Orientation to Your Simulator

Developed as a beginner level course and geared towards any user who will be responsible for operating the simulator. This two-hour live instructor-led virtual training will teach you the basic features and functions of your simulator.

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Consultative Session

These customized sessions will address unique learning objectives identified by an organization's needs. This live instructor-led virtual training will be developed through a consultative approach with a Laerdal Education Specialist.

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Laerdalin edustaja voi auttaa sinua valitsemaan ja tilaamaan virtuaalisen luokkahuonekoulutuksen tai voit ottaa yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme

Pyydä lisätietoja

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.


*Virtual Classroom Trainings are non-returnable/non-refundable items. All sales are final.

Onsite and Virtual Education will expire one (1) year from date of purchase. Exceptions include Educational Pathway trainings which will expire two (2) years from date of purchase. Five (5) or more Ed Path Training days will expire in five (5) years; Contracts/Technology Sustainment Program (TSP); Advanced Care & Maintenance Courses