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NRP Solutions

Helping You Succeed in Neonatal Resuscitation Training​

The Neonatal Resuscitation Program® (NRP®) is an educational program created by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Heart Association (AHA). The NRP 8th Edition course is designed to deliver an evidence-based approach to resuscitation of the newborn to hospital staff who care for newborns. NRP utilizes a blended learning approach, which includes online testing and hands-on case-based simulation/debriefing that focus on critical leadership, communication, and teamwork skills.​​ Since the inception of the NRP in 1987, over 4 million individuals in the United States and internationally have been trained.​

Below you will find the resources you need to combine simulation, debriefing, and team development for a complete training solution to prepare your learners in handling neonatal emergencies. 

Creating a more impactful learning experience

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