Watch Video: Quality CPR Counts

There are many factors that contribute to survival but none as powerful as receiving high quality CPR. But quality can only be ensured if CPR is measured, assessed and relevant feedback is given. Laerdal's new QCPR® line of training manikins and their feedback devices provide learners and instructors with clear feedback and the opportunity to improve competency through debriefing.

Find out more about how Laerdal's new Resuscitation Training solutions can help!

Resusci Anne® QCPR®

Resusci® Baby QCPR®

SimPad® SkillReporter

The Resusci Anne® QCPR® is an adult CPR training manikin now improved for multiple feedback options that provide opportunity to focus on student competency.
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The Resusci® Baby QCPR® is an infant CPR training manikin now improved for multiple feedback options that provide opportunity to focus on student competency.
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The SimPad SkillReporter software provides comprehensive, easy-to-use feedback for enhanced Quality CPR training.
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