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3 Advantages to Using Pre-Programmed Scenarios on Laerdal Scenario Cloud

Broaden Your Curriculum and Boost Productivity

Perhaps you're just getting started with a new sim lab, or maybe you've been running simulations for years. In either case, you’re likely interested in ensuring that you have the simulation scenarios needed to support all your educational goals. But you may be struggling with a major obstacle: finding the time to design and program scenarios that meet every learning need.

Laerdal Scenario Cloud is a cloud-based library of hundreds of expert-authored, validated scenarios for learners of all levels and backgrounds. This pre-programmed content mapped to clinical guidelines ensures consistent educational experiences for your students and cuts down on the need for you to author your own content – all with a single license.

Here, we discuss 3 ways Laerdal Scenario Cloud can help you grow your curriculum – while also increasing your productivity.


1. You'll be able to expand your curriculum in less time.

How much time did you spend writing your last scenario? In comparison, how long would it take you to simply select from a library of pre-programmed scenarios developed by industry-leading experts?

Your time is valuable. Having access to a broad selection of ready-to-use scenarios at your fingertips will allow you to address numerous learning objectives without spending time designing and programming more scenarios.  

Some of the many types of scenarios you can find in Laerdal Scenario Cloud include:

  • Nursing simulation scenarios
  • Pediatric simulation scenarios
  • Trauma simulation scenarios
  • Obstetric simulation scenarios
  • Resuscitation simulation scenarios
  • COVID-19 simulation scenarios

Say you’re looking to focus on team training for cardiac emergencies, for example. Before you start trying to carve out time to write one or more new scenarios, you can check Laerdal Scenario Cloud for scenarios that may meet your needs. Select from scenarios covering various patient conditions, each designed to provide your learners with training in the integrated and coordinated actions defined in the AHA ACLS Algorithm.

Not only is your time valuable, but recent events such as the pandemic have made time an unprecedented scarcity. If you’re like many of our clients, staff shortages and turnover have compounded matters. Leveraging pre-programmed scenarios will help get your new staff up and running more efficiently.

The turnkey nature of pre-programmed scenarios offers time-saving benefits that are clear. But here are some not-so-obvious timesavers that Laerdal Scenario Cloud offers:

  • Scenarios can be customized to meet your specific learning objectives – so you won’t have to start from scratch if one of the scenarios doesn’t align perfectly with your needs.
  • Automatic updates to the scenarios in the cloud means you’ll always have the latest content as soon as it gets published.
  • Scenarios come complete with resources to help you prepare and facilitate your simulations, including equipment lists, learner briefs, guided reflection questions for debriefing, and more.
  • Scenarios will be synchronized across all your LLEAP and SimPad devices.
  • Laerdal Scenario Cloud will suggest scenarios to you based on your areas of interest and the simulators that you use – making it even easier and quicker to grab and go.

Protect your valuable time and expertise by making Laerdal Scenario Cloud your first stop for scenario content. Chances are, there will be a scenario there to meet your needs. If you don’t find one, let us know – so we can work on providing you the content you need in the future.

2. You'll be able to stay more organized.

A 2010 survey of 800 U.S. employees who were asked about their workplace organization showed that the annual cost of job-related inefficiency for full-time employees looking for lost items in the office or files on their computers was $177 billion.1

If that doesn’t get your attention, consider this: experts say that disorganization is one of the foremost culprits in adding stress to your workday.2 How many of us would like to eliminate that factor in our workday? Getting organized may seem small or even elusive. But it can pay big dividends in your day.

Laerdal Scenario Cloud allows you to organize scenarios into personal collections, based on patient cases, curriculum topics, cohorts, or other themes. By categorizing your scenarios, you’ll have everything in one place.

3. Collaborating with your colleagues will be easier.

When you create collections in Laerdal Scenario Cloud, you can share them with your colleagues directly within the platform with a click of a button – making it easier to collaborate better and faster.

If you find that time is scarce for you, it’s no different for your colleagues – and that impacts almost every educator’s ability to collaborate. In fact, educators have reported that one of the key challenges on their mind is finding adequate time to collaborate with their colleagues.3

"It takes a village." Research shows that collaboration among educators can lead to improving schools’ ability to nurture student achievement.4 Laerdal Scenario Cloud specifically addresses this by creating a platform where collaboration can occur naturally and easily.

In a world where we value plug-and-play and where time is precious, Laerdal Scenario Cloud can serve as a tool to help you maximize learning outcomes more efficiently.

Start your free 90-day trial of Laerdal Scenario Cloud to experience how it can help you meet your educational goals

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Laerdal Scenario Cloud
Find hundreds of high-quality, expert-validated scenarios made ready for you.

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  1. Sexton, C. (2016). 7 Reasons Why Being Organized Boosts Productivity. Retrieved from
  2. Bloom, M. (2019). The Mind-Blowing Stress of Disorganization. Retrieved from 
  3. Poulos, J., Culbertson, N., Piazza, P. & d’Entremont, C. (2014). Making Space: The Value of Teacher Collaboration. Retrieved from 
  4. Goddard, Y., Goddard, D. & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2007). A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Teacher Collaboration for School Improvement and Student Achievement in Public Elementary Schools. Teachers College Record, 109(4), p. 877-896