HjemDownloadsNedlastninger for SimDesigner

Nedlastninger for SimDesigner


SimDesigner v. 8.6.1

465.7 MB

Compatible with LLEAP and SimPad, and included LLEAP. This download allows you to install SimDesigner software without updating or installing LLEAP on the same computer.

Bug fixes:

  • SimDesigner is no longer crashing if empty phase exists in loaded/edited scenario.
  • Fix for an issue where etCO2 couldn’t be set if unit was not mmHg.
  • SimDesigner is no longer crashing when creating condition testing on a drug.
  • Fix for Redraw issue when zooming while creating scenarios.
  • Corrections for Chinese translations.
SimDesigner v. 7.3.0

574.6 MB

The SimDesigner software is compatible with LLEAP and SimPad.

SimDesigner software is included when you download LLEAP. This download allows you to install SimDesigner software without installing LLEAP on the same computer.

New version to align with LLEAP 7.3.0

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