ALS SkillMaster 4000

Scenario-based ALS training system for your simulation centre

The ALS SkillMaster 4000 is a CD-ROM-based, instructor-led, advanced life support training program with a sensorised MegaCode manikin. Instructors can choose a pre-programmed scenario, modify a scenario or create a new one.
Multiple language versions are available.

HeartSim 4000 Rhythm Simulator

- Over 2,500 cardiac rhythm variants
- Pre-programmed ACLS scenarios
- Variable pacing threshold
- User-defined event log
- Link box allows rhythms to be viewed on a patient monitor
- Keyboard or remote controlled
- Software includes multiple language versions

ALS SkillMaster Interactive Training Manikin

- Airway allows LMA and Combitube placement
- Unilateral or bilateral lung obstruction
- Sounds: moaning, vomiting and spontaneous breathing
- Variable strength carotid pulses
- Sensors detect airway position, pulse check, precordial thump, CPR, defibrillation and pacing
- 4 connectors, 3-lead ECG monitoring, pacing, defibrillation and IV therapy
- CPR artifact on ECG during compressions

Click on this link to download latest software version:

 HeartSim 4000 version 1.41 [20 MB]

Directions for Use and Help files in different languages are available as download (select your desired language below):

Directions for Use (English) Help files (English)
Help files (US)
Directions for Use (French) Help files (French)
Directions for Use (German) Help files (German)
Directions for Use (Italian) Help files (Italian)
Help files (Spanish)
Help files (Dutch)
Help files (Finnish)
Directions for Use (Norwegian) Help files (Norwegian)
Directions for Use (Swedish) Help files (Swedish)
Help files (Polish)
Help files (Hungarian)