Designed for simulation and practice of a complete range of patient assessment and care procedures, including wound care and assessment, sounds auscultation and blood pressure, this full-body, adult male manikin is the complete care doll.


  • Full-body, anatomically accurate manikin with realistic articulation
  • Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus, along with simulated lungs and stomach allows the practice of many procedures:

·     Irrigation of the eye and ear (simulated)

·     Application/instillation of medications in the eye, ear and nose, including nasal packing

·     Mouth- and denture-care procedures

·     Insertion and suctioning of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways

·     Insertion, securing and care of endotracheal tubes

·     Tracheostomy care and tracheal suctioning

·     Various oxygen-delivery procedures

·     NG tube insertion, care, medication administration and removal

·     Gastric lavage and gavage

·     Nasoenteric and esophageal tube insertion, care and removal

·     Manually generated carotid pulse

·     Subclavian IV, various ostomy and chest tube openings for site care and maintenance

  • Deltoid, dorsogluteal and vastus lateralis IM injections possible
  • Interchangeable bilateral forearm IV pads
  • Articulating IV training arm with replaceable skin and infusible vein system allows peripheral intravenous therapy

·     Venipuncture is possible in the antecubital fossa and dorsum of the hand

·     Accessible veins include median, basilic and cephalic

·     Articulating blood pressure training arm

  • Belly plate with interchangeable stomas depicting colostomy, ileostomy and suprapubic cystotomy

·     Colostomy may be irrigated and will retain indwelling catheter

·     Interchangeable female and male genitalia with connector valves and urinary and colon reservoirs

      • Complete urinary catheterization
      • Will retain indwelling or straight catheter
      • Enema procedures may be performed using fluid for realistic return