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Downloads for SimPad

Directions for Use

Quick Guide WiFi setup

1.2 MB - English

QSG for Simpad with Session Viewer

3.4 MB - English

This Quick Setup Guide will support you in connecting your SimView Mobile system or Session Viewer with SimPad running SW 5.0 or higher
QSG for Simpad with Sim View

2.1 MB - English

This Quick Setup Guide will support you in connecting your SimView server system with SImPad running SW 5.0 or higher


SimPad Theme Editor 1.3.1

3.8 MB - English

SimPad Theme Editor is a PC software tool for creating Themes for the SimPad system when operated using the Manual Mode. The program allows you to easily make new Themes with States and Interventions. The new version is no longer an online tool. Please download and install SimPad Theme Editor localy on your computer.

  • Dependency on Microsoft Silverlight removed, so that Theme Editor can be used without Silverlight installed.
  • Minor changes to user interface.
SimPad 7.4.5


Changes in this release:

  • Fixed issue with Nursing Anne Simulator, SimNewB and SimBaby where they would sometimes not connect after running first session.
  • Corrected problem where SimPad would sometimes not connect to internet enabled services such as Laerdal Scenario Cloud.
  • Fixed ShockLink update issue where some devices would fail to update to newest version.


Changes from version 7.4.0:

  • Nursing Anne Simulators will have a new option in Session Information to change the default age and gender of the manikin (per now it only affects prerecorded sounds).
    • Age and Gender Setup button is only visible when connected to a Nursing Anne Simulator .
  • Voice Conferencing Application (VCA) improvements.
    • Occasional aliasing on VCA has been improved.
    • Prerecorded sounds will in some cases sound loud through the instructor headset, a button to automatically mute instructor headset when playing prerecorded sounds has been added.
  • Fixed issue with Nursing Anne Simulator, SimNewB and SimBaby where they would sometimes not connect after running first session.
  • Corrected problem where SimPad would sometimes not connect to internet enabled services such as Laerdal Scenario Cloud.
  • Fixed ShockLink update issue where some devices would fail to update to newest version.



SimPad End of Support (not SimPad PLUS)
  • SimPad is soon ending technical support including new releases. June 2021 marks 5 year since SimPad PLUS replaced SimPad. SimPad PLUS will continue to develop, but will no longer be compatible with SimPad/Link Box for new releases. SimPad SW release 8.0 will only be for SimPad PLUS. Critical bugs will be released until end of 2021 on version 7.x
Updating to Windows 10?
  • Using SimLink or Custom ad hoc network on SimPad, and considering upgrading to Windows 10 on your computers for Laerdal Patient Monitor?
    • Microsoft ended their support for this type of network with the release of Windows 8. From Windows 10 the equipment will need to use a separate simulation network.
Windows 7
  • Patient monitor 8.0.0 and newer will not support Windows 7


  • Updating Nursing Anne Simulator, SimNewB and SimBaby take up to 20 minutes. Wait for a steady green light on the manikin.
  • Resusci manikins are updated with new firmware, the update takes up to 5 minutes.

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