Helping you implement the CPR Guidelines 2015


Upcoming Event

Resuscitation 2015

29-31 October 2015 Prague, Czech Republic

CRP Guidelines 2015 reflect recommendations derived by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) at the 2015 International Consensus Conference on CPR and ECC.

Guidelines have been released by ILCOR members, who consist of:


What can be achieved?

Every minute, two people suffer cardiac arrest.

In high resource countries alone, more than 1 million people die from Sudden Cardiac Arrest each year. Only 10% survive.

Based on current research, we believe the implementation of best practices can increase survival from cardiac arrest by 50%. 


Read about how to increase survival >




Focusing on implementation

Laerdal, together with our valued partners, works as a catalyst to help our customers implement programs that work.

In the coming weeks, we will release further information and analysis on how the new CPR Guidelines will affect you and your products.


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