Home161-10005 - 10 Pack Disposable Lung

10 Pack Disposable Lung
RB QCPR Lung Foil Only

모델 번호: 161-10005
자세한 정보 요청
Package of 10 pcs disposable lungs.

Strips included. This consumable can be used with all babies that uses complete airway 161-10550.
The video below show how to change it, using the Airwayhead version of the Resusci Baby QCPR as an example.  

What airway consumables can be used with the different versions of Resusci Baby?


서울시 서초구 남부순환로 333길 9 효천빌딩 2층 (우) 06725
사업자등록번호 : 114-86-61993
통신판매업신고 : 2012-서울서초-194 
대표이사 : 박태훈
전화 : 02-6714-8800 / 팩스 : 02-6714-8899

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