Home185-10050 - ShockLink system

ShockLink system

모델 번호: 185-10050
자세한 정보 요청
ShockLink allows you to connect live defibrillators to training manikins, creating more realistic BLS and defibrillation training.

Connect ShockLink to training pads and a standard defibrillator to begin training. The shock energy from a defibrillator is defused in the ShockLink cable. This solution means that you can train on most manikins, removing the need for specialised defibrillator training manikins with chest-studs or a load box to absorb the shock.

Item includes:

  • ShockLink Device
  • User Guide
  • Defibrillator Training Pads for ShockLink
  • ShockLink Remote Control
  • ShockLink Pouch


ShockLink can currently connect to a range of defibrillators. Here you can find out how to connect and if an adapter is needed.


ShockLink Remote Control App available


서울시 서초구 남부순환로 333길 9 효천빌딩 2층 (우) 06725
사업자등록번호 : 114-86-61993
통신판매업신고 : 2012-서울서초-194 
대표이사 : 박태훈
전화 : 02-6714-8800 / 팩스 : 02-6714-8899

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