Home제품심폐소생술AHA 교육자료2020 기본소생술 - Basic Life support (BLS)20-1414 - BLS Course Digital Video

BLS Course Digital Video

모델 번호: 20-1414
부가세 별도 가격: ₩ 114 000
부가세 포함 가격: ₩ 125 400

BLS Course Digital Video

제품번호: 20-1414  |  ISBN: 978-1-61669-790-7




The BLS Course Digital Video allow Instructors to stream from a browser with an internet connection, or download video for offline viewing with the AHA eBooks Desktop App (Windows or Mac) or Mobile App (iOS or Android). This product is to be used by BLS Instructors to teach the BLS Provider Course, BLS Renewal Course, and to conduct skills practice and testing sessions for HeartCode® BLS.

BLS Instructors can choose one of two tracks, in-facility or prehospital, based on their specific student audience. Instructors can select the version of the course they are teaching from a drop-down menu. The BLS Course Video is intended for use by a single BLS Instructor conducting BLS courses.

Note: All International instructors in the discipline are required to have their own BLS Course Video and will use this video to teach the International English (IVE) BLS Provider Course, IVE BLS renewal Course and to conduct skills practice and testing sessions for IVE HeartCode BLS.

The digital format of the BLS Course Video features the same content as a BLS DVD. The BLS DVD is no longer offered. The digital format allows Instructors to stream or download course videos with an Internet connection.


This product is to be used by BLS Instructors to teach the BLS Provider Course, BLS Renewal Course, and to conduct skills practice and testing sessions for HeartCode® BLS. BLS Instructors can choose one of two tracks, in-facility or prehospital, based on their specific student audience. Instructors can select the version of the course they are teaching from a drop-down menu. The BLS Course Video is intended for use by a single BLS Instructor conducting BLS courses. All International instructors in the discipline are required to have their own BLS Course Video.

다음 제품과 함께 사용:


서울시 서초구 남부순환로 333길 9 효천빌딩 2층 (우) 06725
사업자등록번호 : 114-86-61993
통신판매업신고 : 2012-서울서초-194 
대표이사 : 박태훈
전화 : 02-6714-8800 / 팩스 : 02-6714-8899

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