Laerdal's commitment on Corporate Social Responsibility
We in Laerdal are driven by our mission of Helping Save Lives and are guided by our long-lasting principle that: “If we can create value to the society at large, and do our job well, satisfactory economic results will follow - and allow us to build a stronger company with time”.
We believe that our mission and guiding principle go hand-in-hand with sustainable development and good business practices.
Our commitment
Our commitment is based on the internationally agreed principles for sustainable development around human rights (including labor rights), the environment (including climate), and anti-corruption. The principles are listed by the UN Global Compact. They are made operational through the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“UNGPs”) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (“OECD”).
We comply with local legislation, wherever we operate. Distinct from this, our commitment means that Laerdal continuously identifies, prevents or mitigates any risk of adverse impacts of our operations in relation to the core principles for sustainability. We will communicate how we manage such impacts. We will seek to contribute proactively to sustainable development where it makes the most sense.
Our expectations of employees
Our employees are key partners in helping us in our sustainable development. We expect all employees in their daily work at Laerdal to assist us in honoring our commitment. We embed our commitment in the daily work of both our employees and management through training, communication, ongoing assessments, and other procedures. We always encourage employees to share good ideas to prevent or mitigate any adverse impacts compromising our principles for sustainability.
Our expectations of business relationships
We expect all those with whom we have a business relationship to meet the globally agreed minimum standard for responsible business conduct as expressed in this commitment. They shall manage adverse impacts that their operations cause or contribute to in relation to the UNGPs/OECD and demand the same of their business partners. They shall communicate promptly to us about such adverse impacts.
This policy commitment is reflected in all other policies, guidelines, and procedures in Laerdal. We encourage our employees and other stakeholders to inform us about challenges on human rights, the environment, or anti-corruption associated with our operations including services, products, or business relationships.
Laerdal Medical
January 2021