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Saving more lives — together

Helping save lives.
It’s what we do.

We believe that no one should die or be disabled unnecessarily during birth, from sudden illness, trauma, or medical errors.

As a world leader in healthcare education and resuscitation training, our immersive technologies and data-centric insights increase survival and improve healthcare quality.


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Laerdal Medical India was established in Chennai in 2010 as a small sales organization, followed by Laerdal Global Health (LGH) setting up a small R&D team in Pune. In 2016, LGH joined Laerdal Medical India and opened offices in New Delhi and then Mumbai. In 2017, a team of software engineers was established in Bangalore - the Silicon Valley of India. They have developed a new platform for the 2020 version of the Resuscitation Quality Improvement program for RQI Partners, the AHA-Laerdal joint venture.

Stories That Motivate Us


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Åsmund S. Lærdal
“If we can create value to the society at large, and do our job well, satisfactory economic results will follow, and allow us to build a stronger company with time.”