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Sustainability report

Vårt mål: Att bidra till fler räddade liv 

Vår målsättning är att Laerdals verksamhet och försörjningskedja ska bli klimatneutral och möta UNGP (FNs riktlinjer), innan 2030.


Ladda ner vår Sustainability report


2021 Carbon Emission Update

Laerdal is committed to playing our part in a more sustainable future for all.  Our mission of helping save lives, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have defined our pathway toward delivering innovative, lifesaving products and solutions while ensuring that we improve our environmental and social footprint. Sustainability is an important part of everything that we do. A full Sustainability Update with all aspects on sustainability will be coming soon. 

Climate Accounting Emission Developments 2019 - 2021(ton CO2e)

Figure 2 for 2021 update.jpg

Laerdal is measuring all aspects of emission in all parts of the organization. The emission numbers include scope 1, 2 and 3. 
Even though several important emission reduction initiatives have been taken, we have seen an increase in our absolute emissions due to;

  • Increases in business. Compared to the 2019 baseline, business has increased by 30% and emissions 15%.
  • Increase in emissions due to Covid19 pandemic disruptions and increase in unplanned air shipments.
  • Important improvements to materials are concluded but not yet reflected in present sales and emission numbers. This work will be further strengthened by the detailed Life Cycle Assessment conducted on our most important products
In relative numbers, we see that carbon emission has increased by 15% while the business has grown by 30% from 2019 - 2021

Figure 3 for 2021 update.png






“Om vi kan skapa värde för samhället i stort och göra vårt jobb väl kommer tillfredsställande ekonomiska resultat att följa - och låta oss bygga ett starkare företag med tiden."

- Åsmund S. Lærdal
