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Successful Simulation in Nursing

Nursing Education

Helping You Succeed with High-Quality Simulation

We believe that simulation training for nursing education professionals is pivotal in our common goal to improve patient outcomes. A study showed that 96% of all accredited nursing schools use some form of simulation, but many struggle with curriculum integration and limited utilization, faculty preparedness, program support and sustainability, as well as limited quality clinical experiences.

Let Laerdal Medical and the National League for Nursing be your partners for education and support. Our team of experts with a know-how for improving nursing education outcomes can help you develop your program to achieve successful high-quality simulation. Throughout your journey, we surround you with a support system to help you meet industry standards and best practices, improve simulation outcomes, and achieve excellence in simulation.


Is Your Sim Program Delivering Results?

Take our Simulation Program Assessment Survey to see how well you are optimizing the assets you already have. These questions are based on recognized standards from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSIH), the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL), and the National League for Nursing (NLN).

Start Assessment

Faculty Development in Simulation Teaching and Learning Strategies

The Simulation Education Workshops from the National League for Nursing and Laerdal Medical are blended learning workshops, focused on providing faculty development in simulation teaching and learning strategies when and where it’s needed most – at your location and your convenience. We bring a qualified staff of NLN Simulation Nurse Educators and industry specialists with an expertise for improving nursing education outcomes, and pair them with your team. The Simulation Education Workshops offer Continuing Education Units (CEs) using active learning strategies that immerse faculty in simulation pedagogy. Faculty will engage in learning opportunities that address simulation foundations, curriculum integration, debriefing, and evaluation in simulation.


The workshops feature innovative simulation methodology, including:

  • On-line modules from the NLN Simulation Innovation Resource Center (SIRC)
  • Full-scale simulation scenarios and virtual simulations linked to learning objectives
  • Demonstration of a well-run and expertly debriefed simulation grounded in critical theory
  • On-site small group sessions conducted by NLN Simulation Nurse Educators

Optimizing Your Investment

Always stay operational and on top of the latest simulation knowledge through support of the extensive Laerdal technical and educational service portfolio.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.