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Increased realism with a simulated AED and defibrillator monitor

Ideal for In-situ simulation

SimStart is a portable and affordable training solution to simulate the use of an AED or a defibrillator monitor. Integrate SimStart with any Laerdal manikin or patient simulator to achieve a more comprehensive and realistic simulation training.

SimStart can also serve as an easy entry point for organizations looking to get started with simulation training.


Built for your needs

If you already use Laerdal simulators and manikins:

Bridging the gap

SimStart makes it easy to integrate defibrillation and AED to your existing simulation training, adding an extra layer of realism to simulation.

If you are new to simulation:

The perfect entry point

SimStart has everything you need to start training:

  • Defibrillator bag
  • Tablet PC
  • LLEAP license for SimPad PLUS
  • SimPad PLUS operating device