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Which Simulation Solution Is Right for your CTE Program?

Health Sciences Education

Which Simulation Solution Is Right for Your Program?

Use the grid below to determine which solution might best meet your needs based on modality and level of support. To get you started, we’ve recommended one of many potential solutions.

Simulation Modalities Level of Required Technical Support Recommended Simulation Solution
Standardized Patients

Trained actors play the role of the "patient", giving learners an opportunity to practice their communication, diagnostic, and assessment skills.

Less technical support is required; however, subject matter expertise is critical. Actors need to be informed of the appropriate patient behaviors and responses to maintain a realistic "scene" for learners.

A realistic patient environment and any supplemental medical equipment needed to bring the patient case to life.

Skills Trainers

Provide the key elements of a procedure or skill being learned. Learners acquire both clinical psychomotor skills and critical thinking skills.

Extensive technical support is usually not necessary if parts maintenance is upkept, and firmware/software updates are made regularly. This includes cleaning equipment after each use.

Little Anne QCPR
A CPR manikin that measures and improves quality CPR skills training. Use the QCPR instructor app to train one-on-one, monitor up to 6 manikins at a time, or lead the QCPR Race game to make learning stick in a fun and engaging way.

Hybrid Simulation

Two or more simulation modalities are used to enhance the learning experience - typically a skills trainer and standardized patient. Learners work to develop clinical knowledge as well as interpersonal skills.

Extensive technical support is usually not necessary if parts maintenance is upkept, and firmware/software updates are made regularly. This includes cleaning equipment after each use.

MamaNatalie Birthing Simulator
MamaNatalie is a birthing simulator that makes it easy to create compelling simulations of complex or normal birthing scenarios. It is worn by a standardized patient, who takes the role of the mother and manually controls the scenario.

Low-fidelity Simulator

Learners can interact with a full-bodied manikin as their "patient". While a low-fidelity manikin offers limited capabilities and feedback, learners begin to understand what treating a real patient feels like and how to perform specific task.

If educators and facilitators are appropriately trained, low-fidelity simulation modalities are relatively easy to implement and transport.

Technical support is required less often but will sometimes be necessary to troubleshoot unexpected issues.

Nursing Anne Basic with SimPad® PLUS
Nursing Anne is a manikin designed for scenario-based training in the care and management of basic patient handling skills to advanced nursing skills.

High-fidelity Simulator

A full-bodied, computerized simulation mannequin allowing for assessment of vital signs, medication administration, and other interventions. Learners are fully immersed in the patient case and their role as a healthcare provider.

High-fidelity simulators are the most complex simulation modality and, therefore, they require the most extensive technical support.

Most organizations require IT support to maintain a strong network connection. It is recommended to have regularly scheduled preventative maintenance checks and an in-house simulationist committed to learning the product well.

Nursing Anne Simulator
A highly-realistic, modular simulation platform with anatomical landmarks, realistic articulation, tetherless operation, and a variety of interchangeable parts to create different patient cases and provide unique training opportunities.

The above chart is intended to simplify the decision-making process for your organization. However, we know that there are many factors outside of the ones we’ve listed. If you would like additional insight and guidance, please call your local Laerdal representative or call 1-877-LAERDAL.

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