Laerdal Remote Simulation Solutions Introduction
Remote learning continues to play an important role for healthcare organizations looking for ways to fulfill training requirements. Laerdal will continue to support training efforts and add new resources to help you better prepare your students to provide the highest level of patient care.
Whether your students are on-site, working remotely, or a combination of both, you need training solutions to meet your learners needs. Explore the products below that will help you deliver the best possible training, from knowledge acquisition and hands-on skills to high-quality debriefing and simulation assessment.
vSim® for Nursing
Desarrolle destrezas de razonamiento clínico, competencia y confianza en los estudiantes de enfermería con vSim for Nursing.
Módulo de entrenamiento de habilidades
Optimizado para el aprendizaje a distancia, el módulo de entrenamiento de habilidades es una solución práctica y asequible para practicar las habilidades de forma repetitiva e independiente, ayudando así a su validación.
Remote Simulation with SimCapture
As faculty and sim center staff continue to adapt and respond to the changes and challenges of remote learning, SimCapture can help you build competence and confidence - anywhere, anytime.
Experience realistic training scenarios, with an emphasis on diagnosing and improving critical decision-making skills.
Respiratory Care Solutions
The only training program that offers everything you need to get learners up to speed quickly from basic to advanced ventilation management.
Faculty and staff can also reap the benefits of virtual learning. As your simulation program continues to expand and adapt to challenges, keeping up with new simulation technology and pedagogy becomes even more critical. Virtual training courses for your faculty can ensure that they are confident leading simulations that take place onsite or remotely - all while keeping them safe and adhering to social distancing guidelines. Learn more about our Virtual Courses.
Virtual courses for your faculty and staff development can better prepare them to take on different methods of course delivery with ease.