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SimMan 3G PLUS Custom Upgrade Bundle

Custom Upgrade

Integrate simulation in more areas of clinical practice

Enhance the realism of your simulations and upgrade your SimMan 3G to include only the 3G PLUS features and functionality that meet your current training needs. ​

Customize your upgrade to take advantage of the latest advancements in patient handling, advanced care, and operations software. Choose from the following upgrade options to transform your training.

Deliver enhanced simulation training

Provide your learners with an immersive training experience that’s affordable and sustainable.

Interchangeable face skins​

Easily change the appearance of your simulator for added realism while adding diversity and inclusion training to your simulation. 

Fully articulating arms ​

Realistic patient handling and added bilateral features offer the capability to train ALS and ACLS scenarios.

LiveShock ​

Live defibrillation allows your learners to train with real pads or paddles using a real defibrillator. 

Seamless network connectivity​

Ensure uninterrupted simulation sessions with improved network connectivity. 

Contact us about an upgrade bundle

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.