The smart way to teach CPR online
COVID-19 has changed the way CPR training is delivered. Anniewhere enables you to teach CPR skills remotely (online/ virtually) and in classrooms with real-time objective feedback.
Designed for organizations and schools, this portable multiple-user CPR training solution is reusable, hygienic, and easy to use.
Most cardiac arrests happen at home, and 40% are witnessed by a bystander. Yet only 10% of victims survive. Most people do not know how to perform CPR. Mini Anne and Mini Anne Plus were developed to change that.
These solutions offer efficient CPR training for large groups and classroom settings. To date, more than 2 million school children around the world have been trained to be lifesavers using Mini Anne.
This little manikin has all the requirements for a Quality CPR course in one convenient, portable, reusable kit. Open the bag and start your training in no-time.
Easy to teach – Easy to learn
Correct compression depth
A built-in clicker allows learners to hear when the correct compression depth is reached, in accordance with international CPR guidelines.
Hygienic and clean
Fast, easy and clean – Mini Anne Plus comes with face wipes and a replaceable lung which can be changed between classes.
Minimal preparation
Set up classes in minutes. The Mini Anne Plus kits comes with training mats and a new innovative pump bag, allowing students to inflate their own manikin.
Ready for 600+ training sessions
Less than a dollar
Use Mini Anne Plus in over 600 training sessions, and the average cost is less than one dollar per student trained.
Affordable consumables
Buy new face wipes and lungs from our online shop. You can also buy a single manikin if one needs to be replaced, or if you need to expand your classroom kit.
Anyone can learn CPR
Laerdal Medical is proud to partner with The British Heart Foundation. They have created the Nation of Lifesavers program where schoolchildren and laypeople are taught CPR awareness.
In the UK, there are over 30 000 cardiac arrests a year outside of hospitals where the emergency medical services attempt to resuscitate the victim.
However, survival rates are low - less than one in ten victims survive.
Alex learned CPR at school as part of the British Heart Foundations Nation of Lifesavers campaign.
Several months later he collapsed, and CPR was performed on him in the school gym. The teachers' and staffs' fast actions and knowledge helped save his life.
Helping save lives
Cooperation with Laerdal gives you access to partner branded CPR kits, designed after local guidelines.
The kits are easy to transport and easy to use, even by non-trained facilitators like school teachers and HSE advisors.
A national initiative to increase bystander CPR in Denmark resulted in a significant increase in survival from cardiac arrest. The initiative focused on community CPR and improved resuscitation and dispatcher guidelines.
Available in webshop
Provide students with the necessary tools to learn the lifesaving skills of CPR and how to use an AED in just one class period.
In less than 1 hour you can:
The Mini Anne Plus kit is designed to increase efficiency while maintaining quality CPR education. With improved reusable manikins now in a class set, Mini Anne Plus is the ideal classroom solution for CPR training.