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Helping save lives in your community

Mini Anne Plus

Designed for organizations and schools, this portable multiple-user CPR training solution is reusable, hygienic, and easy to use.

Mini Anne Plus - Small manikins, big impact

Most cardiac arrests happen at home, and 40% are witnessed by a bystander. Yet only 10% of victims survive.  Most people do not know how to perform CPR. Mini Anne and Mini Anne Plus were developed to change that.  

These solutions offer efficient CPR training for large groups and classroom settings. To date, more than 2 million school children around the world have been trained to be lifesavers using Mini Anne. 

This little manikin has all the requirements for a Quality CPR course in one convenient, portable, reusable kit. Open the bag and start your training in no-time.

Survival tripled in Denmark

A national initiative to increase bystander CPR in Denmark resulted in a significant increase in survival from cardiac arrest. The initiative focused on community CPR and improved resuscitation and dispatcher guidelines.

3x Increase in bystander CPR
3x Increase in victims arriving alive at hospital
3x More patients alive after 30 days

The Mini Anne Plus kit is designed to increase efficiency while maintaining quality CPR education. With improved reusable manikins now in a class set, Mini Anne Plus is the ideal classroom solution for CPR training.


  • Reusable set of 10 Mini Anne manikins
  • Easy-to-use pump bag for hygienic inflation
  • Guidelines compliant clicker setting
  • Soft clicker setting encourages new learners
  • Carry bag including pump bag and kneel mats for each student
  • Quick preparation and clean up