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Virtual SUN: Make Your Clinical Time Simulation Time. Many States Approve!


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Virtual SUN: Turn Your Clinical Time into Simulation Time. Many States Approve!

The availability of traditional supervised clinical experiences have become increasingly limited. More and more, nurse educators have turned to a groundbreaking study published by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) for the answer. That study found that up to half of traditional clinical hours in pre-licensure nursing programs can be replaced safely by high-quality patient scenarios in the form of simulations for nursing students. Many state Boards of Nursing approve!​

Hear from Dr. Suzan Kardong-Edgren, Rochelle Quinn, and Henry Henao about how the NCSBN Study continues to be center stage and about how simulation is being substituted for clinical hours with great success. Dr. Kardong-Edgran is one of the authors of the study. She and other guests will be sharing tips with you on how you can use simulation to your advantage.​

Topics will include:​

  • What did the NCSBN Study conclude and why​
  • How the COVID-19 Pandemic accelerated the substitution of simulation for clinical time​
  • What states are allowing the substitution, and which still are not​
  • Best practices for the use of simulation to replace clinical time​
  • Special considerations that simulationists might want to look out for​
  • Some brief success stories​
  • Live Q&A

If you work in nursing education and are exploring ways to replace traditional supervised clinical experiences where opportunities are limited, this Virtual SUN is for you. Originally broadcast on June 7, 2022.

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Suzan Kardong-Edgren

Suzan (Suzie) Kardong-Edgren, PhD, Rn, ANEF, CHSE, FSSH, FAAN is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and educational researcher with over 120 publications. Dr. Edgren served as a consultant on the NCSBN Study that determined that up to 50% of traditional clinical hours could be replaced with high-quality simulation. She will hold that that role again in the National Council Simulation Study 2.0. ​
Dr. Edgren is the President of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning and is an Associate Professor at the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston. She served as the Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Simulation in Nursing for 10 years. And she is currently the Editor-in-Chief of 2 new interactive online review guides for those seeking certification in the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. She was awarded the National League for Nursing Debby Spunt Lectureship and the Michael Gordon Lectureship in Simulation from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Dr. Edgren served as chair of the Research Committee for the Society for Simulation in Healthcare and the Vice President of Research for the INACSL.  She holds fellowships in the Society of Simulation in Healthcare, the Academy of Nursing Education Fellows, and the American Academy of Nursing.  

Rochelle Quinn

Rochelle Quinn, RN, MSN, CHSE, is the Zamierowski Family Endowed Professor of Nursing and Simulation at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, KS.  She teaches in the Healthcare Simulation Center, working with a variety of disciplines, with the primary focus on providing an immersive simulation experience for nursing students utilizing a Simulation Clinical day format.  She has over 16 years of simulation experience, 29 years of teaching experience, 34 years as an RN with medical-surgical and intensive care background and was the Team Leader for the NCSBN National Simulation Study.

Rochelle received her Bachelor’s degree from the College of Saint Mary in Omaha, NE and a Masters of Nursing degree from the University of Iowa.  She has also completed courses in simulation training at The Institute for Medical Simulation, Center for Medical Simulation, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology and the Israel MSR Train the Trainer and Assessment Courses. Rochelle is certified in the NCSBN Debriefing for Meaningful Learning. She is a MSR Train the Trainer Faculty and has also been a Faculty member for the CSM Gateway (Debriefing with Good Judgment) course. Rochelle is a member of the National League of Nursing (NLN), the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) and sits on the Board of Directors for the Kansas City Regional Simulation Alliance (KCRSA).



Henry Henao
Director & Clinical Assistant Professor, Simulation Teaching and Research (STAR) Center, Florida International University, Miami, FL

Henry is a Founding Director, Simulation Teaching and Research (STAR) Center, Florida International University. He is also recognized National League of Nursing Sim Leader. He is an Advanced practice nurse with many years of experience in prehospital care/ marketing communication/nursing. Currently engaged in higher education, he manages new technologies, and promotes effective evidenced-based teaching methods that make better healthcare providers at all levels.

Specialties include: Clinical Simulation, Healthcare Education, Minority Health, Product Research, Simulation Technology, Trend Tracking, and Business Management.

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