
TruVent Free Trial


Have two tablets (IOS or Andriod)?

Register for a FREE 14-day TruVent trial

Register for your TruVent free trial through this form.

To access your trial, login to the app using the details you have registered with.

We will send you an email to confirm your registration and links to download the TruVent App.

The free trial license includes the software for 2 users (1 instructor & 1 student device), for face to face or remote training.



Vi vil håndtere dine personlige kontaktopplysninger med forsiktighet som beskrevet iLaerdal's Privacy Policy.

Vi vil håndtere dine personlige kontaktopplysninger med forsiktighet som beskrevet iLaerdal's Privacy Policy.

Download the App

The app is available for either iOS or Android devices.  Please note, you are not able to a mixture of devices between users from the license.

iOS 11.0 + is required

Android 6.0 + is required

Have two tablets (IOS or Andriod)?