Ordering & Shipping
I place my orders already by phone. How do I order online?
If you already order from Laerdal, your 8-digit customer number is your User ID. You will need to be assigned a password. Click Here to go to our Log In pages and choose the link that says 'Forgot your password'.
How do I update my Password?
Log in using the assigned password. Once you have logged in there is a link that says 'Change Your Password'. Click on this and customize your password. It must be at least 6 characters long. It can be letters or numbers or any combination. Also, please note it is case-sensitive.
How do I change my Billing Address?
You can not change it online. Please contact customer service to do this.
Can I add a New Shipping Address?
A new shipping address can be added during the checkout process. Log in as you normally would, add your items to the cart and click 'checkout'. On that checkout page, in the upper left-hand side of the screen, you will see a button that states 'ship to a different address'. By clicking this button, it will bring you to the screen to create a new shipping address.
Can I change my order once I have placed it?
Once submitted, changes cannot be made to web orders. Please contact Customer Support for questions about your order.
How long will it take to receive my order?
Items that are in stock usually ship out the next business day (Mon-Fri, except National Holidays). Weekends (Sat & Sun) do not count as shipping or delivery days. We ship most items from our warehouse in Melbourne, Victoria.
Is it safe to use my credit card on your website?
Yes! Your information is encrypted using secure socket layer connection (SSL) before any data is sent and transmitted.
My order has an item that is out of stock. What happens then?
Orders are shipped as items are available. This means items currently in-stock will ship immediately and then out-of-stock item(s) will ship once they become available in our warehouse. Items that are in stock may come from multiple locations. There is no additional charge to you for shipping if multiple shipments are necessary.
What are your Payment Options?
We accept Visa and Mastercard. Accounts that have been pre-approved for Net-30 credit terms may use a purchase order. Orders placed with Net-30 terms are reviewed by our finance team prior to shipping.
I just submitted my order and I got a message that says 'Shopping Cart Empty'. Was my order accepted or do I need to place it again?
Most likely your order has been accepted. It is very important not to click the 'Back' button or the 'Refresh' button after you have clicked 'Place My Order'. This can cause duplicate orders. Please contact Customer Support before attempting to order again so we can check to make sure your order has processed and has not duplicated.
I put in my credit card information and I got the message 'Problem During Credit Card Validation. Please Try Again Later.' What does this mean?
The Credit Card transaction has declined.
Do you ship outside of New Zealand?
Laerdal.co.nz is only for shipping within New Zealand. Contact one of our worldwide offices for purchases outside Australia.