From Inspiration to Impact: The MamaAnne™ Story
According to the WHO, maternal deaths occur nearly every two minutes, resulting in over a quarter million mothers dying a year.
Many of these fatalities are preventable.
Build confidence and competence when facing critical, obstetric emergencies through high-fidelity simulation training. MamaAnne, our maternal and birthing simulator, provides the platform for that training through:
Empower your teams to meet competency requirements with ease.
The added bonus? In the time it would take most people to have read to this point, MamaAnne can be setup for the next scenario. The prep time for MamaAnne is that fast.
Rapid setup
Effortless prep and quick transition between sessions
Realistic Experiences
Immersive labor and delivery simulations
Modular Options
Flexible bleeding solutions and interchangeable modules
Inclusivity for social and economic benefit
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)
PPH is the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide, accounting for approximately one-fourth of maternal deaths.
Even when women survive, they frequently require surgical procedures to manage the bleeding that can potentially result in lifelong reproductive disabilities.
Global rise in mortality rates
Maternal mortality rates are rising - particularly in the Americas and Europe when considering racial disparities.
Better training needed
Maternal simulations must possess realistic features, user-friendly interfaces, and adaptable options to effectively train learners.
Focused and efficient training helps
reduce adverse obstetric events.
Immersive training
The Automatic Delivery System (ADS) facilitates precise and accurate birth movements through the birthing canal.
Realistic silicone skin enhances look and feel while articulating joints improve birthing positions such as supine, semi-recumbent, left lateral, lithotomy, and sitting.
Suprapubic pressure sensors provide feedback to improve shoulder dystocia competencies.
Rapid and effortless setup
High-fidelity birth simulators are often under-utilized because of technical challenges, lack of intuitive operation, and difficult setup.
MamaAnne's belly-latch system, accessible fluid reservoirs, limb connectors, and ADS loading mechanism enhance speed and reduce the stress of running back-to-back simulations or exceeding allotted time during in-situ scenarios.
Flexible bleeding solutions
Modular components are a foundational pillar of MamaAnne's design.
PPH scenarios can be simulated using different methods:
Decades of maternal simulation experience
Through a joint effort, Laerdal and Limbs & Things combined our comprehensive experience and knowledge to develop MamaAnne.
She represents a new standard on how we approach patient simulation by considering the perspectives of educators, facilitators, learners, managers, organizations, and technicians. MamaAnne was developed with a specific goal in mind - inclusive training.
Jeffrey Stout - Texas A&M CLRC
The importance of "Mama" is shared across languages and cultures.
But when a mother is lost during the labor and delivery process, it can have a potentially devastating effect on the family, community, and society.
Read how simulation training made a difference in ensuring a newborn would be able to have his “Mama”
When MamaAnne is purchased, a MamaBirthie is gifted to you to support your program. Additionally, a second MamaBirthie is donated to a selected partnership program for a community in need.
Every year, 40 million women give birth without a skilled birth attendant.
Well-trained healthcare personnel can make the difference between life and death.
But not all healthcare professionals have access to quality training and tools that allow for critical hands-on practice. That’s how Buy One, Gift One can help.
Buy One, Gift One, or BOGO, is a joint program by Laerdal Global Health and Laerdal Medical that facilitates the distribution of birthing simulators in places where they're needed most.
With MamaBirthie, birth attendants can train for normal births and birth complications like Cesarean section. The quick and easy setup facilitates operation with minimal training to improve learner engagement and effectiveness.