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Vores team, dit potentiale


Forbedring af læringsudbyttet: Laerdals uddannelser styrker kompetencerne hos instruktører og undervisere i sundhedssektoren

For at sikre, at studerende og sundhedsprofessionelle har de rette kompentencer til at agere i sundhedssektoren, kan organisationer støtte instruktører og undervisere ved at give dem de nødvendige værktøjer og ressourcer til at udvikle færdigheder, viden og selvtillid, der er afgørende for at maksimere læringsudbyttet.

Laerdal's uddannelser er skræddersyet til at hjælpe organisationer med at opbygge ekspertise inden for simulationsbaseret træning. Med et bredt udvalg af kurser, der spænder fra grundlæggende produkttræning til avanceret metodologi- og faciliteringstræning, og som kan leveres onsite, virtuelt eller gennem selvstudie, tilbyder Laerdal den nødvendige support, hvor og hvornår det er nødvendigt. På den måde kan erfarne instruktører og undervisere være med til at øge kvaliteten i sundhedsvæsenet og nedsætte antallet af utilsigtede hændelser. Og dermed en øget patientsikkerhed.


For at sikre en positiv læringsoplevelse for deltagerne i simulationsundervisningen er det afgørende, at fakultetet og sundhedspersonalet er kompetente i brugen af simulationsudstyr. Laerdals produkttræningsløsninger tilbyder omfattende produktkendskab og træning, der styrker færdigheder og gør underviserne bedre rustede til at opnå et vellykket læringsudbytte. Vores mål er at bygge ekspertise i brugen af vores udstyr og software, så undervisere og sundhedspersonale kan levere enestående undervisning og træning, der gavner deltagerne på bedst mulig vis.

  • Getting Started kursus
  • Getting Started with SimCapture
  • Teaching with SimPad
  • Teaching with LLEAP
  • Teaching with SimMan Vascular
  • Teaching with Laerdal SonoSim Ultrasound Solution
  • Scenario Programming

Getting Started kursus


Få den rette start med dit simulationsprogram. Et endags-kursus, der dækker både udstyr og brug af udstyr i undervisningsøjemed.

Getting Started with SimCapture

getting started with simcapture

I dette kursus vil du få mulighed for at optimere dine færdigheder gennem instruktørledede kurser, enten onsite eller online, der forbereder dig til en vellykket implementering og brug af SimCapture.

Teaching with SimPad


In this one-day course, learn to run better scenarios and gain deeper insights into your simulator and related software.

Teaching with LLEAP


In this one-day course, become familiar with the software and learn how to run basic scenarios.

Teaching with SimMan Vascular


This course is designed to teach you how to use SimMan Vascular by integrating hands-on activities. You and your team will become familiar with the software and how to run the pre-installed scenarios.

Teaching with Laerdal SonoSim Ultrasound Solution


Become familiar with the software and learn how to run basic scenarios in this one-day course delivered at your facility.

Scenario Programming

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Learn to run better scenarios, and gain deeper insights into your simulator and related software in this one-day course delivered at your facility.

Implementation Training

Without proper implementation, even the most well-designed simulation training program may not be successful in achieving its goals. By providing the tools and knowledge necessary to deliver consistent and effective education organizations can maximize the impact of their training programs. Laerdal’s Implementation Training Solutions are designed to build expertise in simulation best practices and facilitation techniques.

  • SimBegin
  • CORE Debriefing
  • Peer-to-Peer Skill-Based Simulation in Nursing



Developed as a collaboration between the SAFER Simulation Centre and Laerdal Medical, SimBegin is a blended learning simulation facilitator course that aims to build competence and confidence in planning, conducting, and debriefing a simulation scenario.

CORE Debriefing


The CORE Debriefing workshop is a blended learning course, which comprises a one-day teaching session that can be delivered live at your site or virtually and is coupled with a complementary eCourse.

Peer-to-Peer Skill-Based Simulation in Nursing


Learn how to implement simulation in a way that allows students to practice until confident and competent.

Services delivered when and where you need it most

Our aim is to understand your goals for your simulation program. We want to know your specific learning objectives, your challenges, and how you want your program to evolve over time. With services that can be delivered when and where you need it most, we can support you through every step of the way.




Onsite services are led by a Laerdal expert at your organization, where you will address specific needs in your environment on your equipment.



Virtual services are led by a Laerdal expert through a collaborative virtual platform, where you will address specific needs in your environment on your equipment.



Laerdal KnowledgeHub is a digital library where organizations will find self-directed resources needed to learn how to use and maintain equipment and simulation best practices.

Committed to your success

Providing quality healthcare is a journey. We want to be along your side on that journey. We have the experience and expertise, plus the size and scale, to ensure you get the support you need. With Laerdal Services, everyone benefits – the instructors, learners, and most importantly the patients.

It's our goal to understand your goals for your simulation program. We want to know your specific learning objectives, your challenges, and how you want your program to evolve over time. With services that can be delivered when and where you need it most, we can support you through every step of the way.


160 Technical and Educational Service Specialists
22 Countries
98 % Satisfaction