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Help ensure your students build confidence and preparedness for practice

Designed to simulate real nursing scenarios, vSim for Nursing, co-developed with Wolters Kluwer Health, allows students to interact with virtual patients in a safe, realistic online environment. Based on National League for Nursing (NLN) scenarios, students will access curriculum resources and practice patient-centered care for a variety of case studies



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Real-World, Evidence-Based Scenarios

Interative student scenarios along with integrated curriculum resources provide a full simulation learning experience for every student.

vSim® for Nursing will be available for the core nursing curriculum. vSim for Nursing Pediatric includes 10 Pediatric Nursing patients from the NLN Simulation in Nursing Education – Pediatric Scenarios that currently exist as Laerdal simulator scenarios.


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for Faculty | Addendum: Maternity and Pediatric

The addendum is based on data collected from faculty who adopted or conducted trials of the Maternity or Pediatric vSim products during 2015, and who subsequently submitted feedback to the National League for Nursing. This addendum will focus specifically on formative assessment and teaching strategies related to the maternity and pediatric course areas.

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Pediatric Scenarios

  • Brittany Long (Core) - Sickle Cell Anemia with Acute Pain Crisis
  • Brittany Long (Complex) - Sickle Cell Anemia with Acute Splenic Sequestration
  • Charlie Snow (Core) - Mild Allergic Reaction
  • Charlie Snow (Complex) - Anaphylaxis
  • Eva Madison (Core) - Gastroenteritis
  • Eva Madison (Complex) - Dehydration
  • Jackson Weber (Core) - Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
  • Jackson Weber (Complex) - Status Epilepticus
  • Sabina Vasquez (Core) - Mild Intermittent Asthma
  • Sabina Vasquez (Complex) - Pneumonia Leading to Respiratory Distress in a Child with Known Asthma


Patient-Centered Care

Nursing students develop clinical reasoning skills by prioritizing and implementing actions within several dimensions, including:
Safety Measures – Practice safe procedures
Communication – Interact with the patient through questions that result in text and audio responses.
Assessments – Conduct specific physical assessments
Interventions – Take action with the patient to improve their health status
Drugs and IV Management – Administer medication according to provider orders
Tests and Diagnostics – Perform lab or diagnostic tests to support clinical decisions
Search - Find available interactions to take with the patient
Electronic Health Record - Reference provider orders and patient information to influence decision making
Call Provider - Request additional information during the scenario
Patient Handoff - End the scenario at any time


Unique, Personalized Learning

vSim for Nursing allows each student to have a different experience with the patient. By recording interactions throughout the patient care scenario, the personalized feedback log is generated, customized to the user experience, Each time students repeat the scenario, they will receive a personal feedback log outlining their clinical reasoning choices.

  • vSim Score – Immediate feedback calculated based on severity of errors
  • Main Opportunity for Improvement – Identify key focus areas
  • Basic View - Review a timeline of student actions with feedback and remediation
  • Detailed View - View patient status at the time of studen actions

Measure Students Success

Create classes and monitor students results by viewing pre-simulation and post-simulation quiz data and student debrief logs.