"Uddannelserne plejede at handle om produktet, men nu handler det mere om den bedste måde at bruge det på."
Find the right learning solutions for your specific needs and reach your goals quickly.
SimCapture brings extensive training opportunities across all fields and disciplines. With every set-up being unique to individual organizational needs it’s essential that the education delivered is customized to meet specific objectives.
Laerdal’s Getting Started with SimCapture courses are designed to maximize your skills with instructor-led courses available onsite or online and prepare for successful implementation and usage of SimCapture.
SimCapture education is delivered in a consultative manner. Curricula are built to align with the requirements of the organization and will be based on these core topics:
For organizations who have more advanced requirements these additional course topics are available:
Will gain the skills and knowledge to ensure data protection within SimCapture and configure the system for simulation-based training.
Educators will learn to use SimCapture to best develop their scenarios and rubrics for capturing the simulation data they need to debrief, assess, and track learners’ performance over time.
Will get an overview of what SimCapture is and understand how it can help optimize operational management of their resources and ROI.
Virtual and onsite education will be scheduled as agreed upon between the educator and client. Virtual sessions run between 90-120 minutes per session and onsite sessions run approximately 8 hours per day. There are also self-directed learning eCourses available on KnowledgeHub.
Providing quality healthcare is a journey. We want to walk with you on that journey. We have the experience and expertise, plus the size and scale, to ensure you get the support you need. With Laerdal Services, everyone benefits – the instructors, learners, and most importantly the patients.
It's our goal to understand your goals for your simulation program. We want to know your specific learning objectives, your challenges, and how you want your program to evolve over time.
Our people empower you to be your best. People like Danny, one of our experienced Educational Service Specialists.