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Kit de Mantenimiento RA QCPR

Kit de Mantenimiento RA QCPR

95,00 € Precio sin IVA


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Descripción general

This Periodic Maintenance kit for Resusci Anne QCPR offers you a simple way to maintain your manikin's quality performance and accurate feedback. The Periodic Maintenance Kit replaces parts susceptible to wear and tear.


Do-it-yourself, quickly and easily

The maintenance kit is designed so you can do the installation yourself, without the use of tech service. All you will need in addition to the kit is a star screw driver.

Laerdal recommends replacing these parts when the Resusci Anne QCPR manikin has received approximately 500,000 chest compressions. 


How do I know that my Resusci Anne QCPR has been exposed to 500,000 chest compressions?

The manikin stores this information, and you can access it by using: 

  1.   Simpad PLUS Skillreporter:

       Manage Manikins, tap and hold manikin for 2 seconds.

  2.  QCPR SkillReporter app:

       Manage Manikins, tap and hold  manikin for 2 seconds.

Note: QCPR Training app and Skillreporter PC application does not provide this information.


  • 1 Lung Plate
  • 1 Cylinder piece with 5 screws
  • 1 Sensor unit complete
  • 1 Metal plate with foam


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