About our technologies
We are always exploring exciting new technologies. But we’re also finding big success with using our existing technologies in new ways. We’re focused on exploring new ways to leverage our platforms and we’re building more.
This is an exciting time to work at Laerdal. We’re undergoing a transformation as we harness the power of emerging technologies to help us achieve our mission of helping save lives. Our new technologies are growing fast, so we’re looking for the best tech talent to help us reach our goal of helping save one million more lives every year, by 2030.
We have ambitious goals to become carbon neutral, develop more circular solutions, and minimize our impact on the environment throughout the value chain. We have projects on everything from reducing emissions, to assessing embedded carbon in our products to working with innovative ways to create new recycled materials. We are always looking for solutions to find sustainable solutions.
You don't need to know everything about tech trends or human-centric product development to be a part of our team, but we look for enthusiastic people who want to make a difference. We are 1900 people around the world who collaborate to help save lives.
We are always exploring exciting new technologies. But we’re also finding big success with using our existing technologies in new ways. We’re focused on exploring new ways to leverage our platforms and we’re building more.
The current pandemic has fast-tracked everything. Development in the areas of eLearning, VR, AR, XR, and remote learning have been accelerated.
All of this work contributes to improved learning which results in better patient outcomes.
David Frahm-Falkenberg
Managing Director, Laerdal Copenhagen
We’re passionate about understanding the potential of new technology. We learn from emerging trends to understand how new technologies can enable healthcare workers to be better trained and equipped to do their best. We’re focused on human-centered design thinking. Our development process is based on an iterative and collaborative approach that’s used in every phase of development from reviewing the latest research, identifying needs, developing concepts, and to the final refinement and finalization of a solution.
Being able to develop prototypes quickly helps to reduce the risk associated with developing new products and helps us better understand what’s needed to bridge the gap between what we do now and in the future. Our workshop and facilities are equipped with laser cutters, 3-D printers, an in-house tool shop, injection molding factory, and electromechanical assemblies.
Embedded software development
Mechanical product development
Electromechanical development
Software development
Alf-Christian Dybdahl
CEO, Laerdal Medical
Helping save lives
Tavoitteemme on auttaa pelastamaan miljoona ihmishenkeä lisää joka vuosi, vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Tätä strategiaa ohjaa YK:n tavoite nro 3, "Terveyttä ja hyvinvointia".
Tavoite on mahdollista saavuttaa tiiviillä yhteistyöllä kumppaneidemme kanssa. Laerdalin tavoitteena on auttaa yhteistyökumppaneita tehostamaan ponnistelujaan hengenpelastajien kouluttamisessa ja koulutusratkaisujen varustamisessa.
Laerdal Insights
Olemme omistautuneet auttamaan pelastamaan ihmishenkiä vahvistamalla elvytystä, potilaan hoitoa ja globaaleja terveysaloitteita. Fokuksena on laadun parantaminen ja varmistaminen. Oheiselta sivulta löytyy koottuna koulutusmateriaalia tukemaan simulaatioyhteisön toimintaa.