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Competency-Based Education Solutions for Nursing

Build, Demonstrate and Assess Competence

Choosing the right solution based on what you need to assess

Simulation serves as both a teaching modality and an assessment strategy, enabling students to develop and demonstrate competencies. By observing student performance in simulated scenarios, educators can accurately identify strengths and areas for improvement.


Assess competence at every stage - explore our solutions below

Fundamental Skills

Fundamental Skills

Demonstrates foundational task knowledge and performance hands-on

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Habits that will make the next level easier

Healthcare requires a unique combination of complex critical thinking with hands-on manual work. Building vital psychomotor skills early in a learner’s progression towards competency allows learners to later focus on applying those skills effortlessly and without distraction in more challenging situations. Assessing them early using efficient and sometimes automatic means ensures their success.


Solutions for Fundamental Skills

procedural skills

Procedural Skills and Basic Decision-Making

Demonstrates introductory decision-making skills within situational competencies

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Formative assessments count

At this stage, learners begin to understand the basics of decision models and care pathways. They begin to perform critical thinking and understand that success and failure are both possibilities. Learners who have had difficulty in summative exams often have not experienced formative or course assessments. Choose a simulation solution that will allow you to assess what is appropriate for your learners to succeed at the next stage in their competency progression.


acute situational skills

Acute Situational Skills and Critical Thinking

Demonstrates advanced decision-making along with team-based competencies

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Assessing advanced level performance​

Learners experiencing the benefits of assessments at this level should already be used to formative assessments and to the process of coaching and guided self-reflection. What you need to assess in this area is what you will need to train to. You may be performing summative assessments like Observed Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs) or you may still be performing formative assessments. In either case, Laerdal offers simulators and digital solutions that can test advanced level decision making in teams during acute emergent situations.


Solutions for Acute Situational Skills and Critical Thinking

complex decision making

Complex Decision Making

Demonstrates competencies during real clinical practice

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Bringing it all together in a real-world environment

There comes a point in a learner's progression where you will want to introduce your learners to a situationally realistic environment—an environment that challenges and develops their abilities to perform in authentic circumstances. Assessments at this level deserve to be captured and tracked digitally for consistency, efficiency, and transparency. Where simulators are used, we recommend the highest fidelity possible.​


Solutions for Complex Decision Making

Competency Evaluation

You can track competencies during every simulation activity. By combining data from course outcomes, objectives, and both formative and summative assessments, you can effectively measure and evaluate overall competency.


SimCapture is a platform that allows you to capture, measure and assess competencies. It enables students to demonstrate clinical judgment and competencies, instantly uploading performance data for evaluation against defined standards. SimCapture tracks learners' progress at both individual and cohort levels, helping faculty identify those needing remediation and monitor improvement over time. 

SimCapture Reporting

Standardize Assessment

Standardize assessment

Centralize Data

Centralize data

Track Performance

 Track performance of individual learners and cohorts

assess, evaluate and track

Assess, evaluate, and track performance over time

Turning assessment challenges into opportunities

Nurse using SimCapture on a tablet

Assessment Management
Assessment data is collected and stored in one location for simple access and management

SimCapture reporting on advanced cardiac life support scenarios

Standardized and Objective Assessment
Assess learners efficiently and consistently against defined rubrics and competencies

SimCapture center director collecting data on a computer

Analyzing and Presenting Data
Dashboards on individual or cohort level for better evaluation and presentation of outcomes 

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We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.