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A Shared Mission

Helping Save Lives

Helping save lives - together

Together, Laerdal Medical and Laerdal Global Health are dedicated to helping save lives of mothers and newborns.  Simple, impactful products and programs help train healthcare providers around the world to provide safe and effective care, pre- and post-delivery.  

Every year, 40 million women across the world give birth without a skilled health care provider.1
In the U.S.,800 women die in childbirth each year.2
Maternal mortality rates have increased in the U.S. by 27% since 1990.3



Products that make an impact

We can help you implement these solutions into your obstetrical and neonatal training programs both locally and abroad.  By using these low cost, durable and effective training resources, together we can help improve survival rates for mothers and newborns.

Since 2010, Laerdal Global Health has helped train more than 500,000 birth attendants in 80 countries. Research from such organizations as WHO, UNICEF, and UN has shown impressive results.  

1.World Health Organization - Preterm birth Fact Sheet November 2014 2.World Health Organization - Preterm birth Fact Sheet November 2014 3.Born to Soon, A Global Action Report on Preterm Birth