CPR Training for Professional First Responders
High-performance CPR
High-performance CPR manikins

Advanced Resuscitation manikins

Engage learners with objective feedback
Monitor By Laerdal
Simulated defibrillator, patient monitor, or ventilator for realistic acute care training
TeamReporter app
A mobile app designed for HP-CPR team training, featuring powerful video feedback, CPR timeline, and ShockLink connectivity.

Resusci QCPR Family
Professional grade QCPR Feedback
Designed and built for healthcare responders, the Resusci QCPR family offers a new level of precision training for treating babies, children, and adults in cardiac arrest. Each manikin and feedback device is guidelines compliant.
Multi-purpose by design
The Resusci QCPR line has configurations and feedback options and setups that are optimal for skills training and high-performance team training.
Expanded training possibilities
Help build proficiency in additional CPR skills with optional features including, airway head, IV arm, IO leg, AED skin, and more