CPR Training for Professional First Responders
High-performance CPR
High-performance CPR manikins

Advanced Resuscitation manikins

Defibrillation Training
Engage learners with objective feedback
Monitor By Laerdal
Simulated defibrillator, patient monitor, or ventilator for realistic acute care training
TeamReporter app
Die mobile App für High-Performance-CPR-Team-Training mit intelligenter Videonachbesprechung.

Resusci QCPR Family
Professional grade QCPR Feedback
Designed and built for healthcare responders, the Resusci QCPR family offers a new level of precision training for treating babies, children, and adults in cardiac arrest. Each manikin and feedback device is guidelines compliant.
Multi-purpose by design
The Resusci QCPR line has configurations and feedback options and setups that are optimal for skills training and high-performance team training.
Expanded training possibilities
Help build proficiency in additional CPR skills with optional features including, airway head, IV arm, IO leg, AED skin, and more