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Offsite Courses

Apply what you've learned when it matters most

One of the biggest challenges for improving patient safety is the opportunity to practice. With educational services from Laerdal, your instructors gain knowledge and insights into how to best use our products. This enables them to train, motivate and teach students vital lifesaving procedures.

With Laerdal's Offsite Educational Courses, you can participate in our expertly led training alongside a group of like-minded peers. These courses provide a unique opportunity to collaborate with peers, hear what's going on in other simulation labs, get exposure to the latest Laerdal technology, and even get a glimpse of our manufacturing process.

Other Educational Services Solutions


Onsite kurser

Uddannelse på stedet i din organisation ledet af en instruktør fra Laerdal. Du kan adressere specifikke læringsmål i dit miljø på dit eget udstyr.


Onsite kurser


Virtuelle kurser

Virtuel undervisning ledet af en instruktør fra Laerdal. Via TEAMS eller Zoom skaber vi et virtuelt klasselokale, hvor du som nybegynder eller erfaren elev kan modtage undervisning i et interaktivt forum.

Virtuelle kurser


eLearning Courses

eLearning training by the NLN Simulation Innovation Resource Center that participants can access from anywhere, anytime.

eLearning Courses