"Uddannelsestjenester plejede at handle om produktet, men nu handler det mere om den bedste måde at bruge det på."
Kurset henvender sig til de personer, som skal være ansvarlige for at køre simulation, og de bygger på startkurset.
This course provides you with the skills you need to optimize the LLEAP Learning Application to get the most out of your simulations. Hands-on activities help your team become familiar with the software and learn how to run basic scenarios.
This course is designed to improve your ability to effectively operate Laerdal simulators to teach and evaluate learning objectives. The course can be tailored to any skill level, from basic to advanced users.
As a simulator operator, you need an understanding of the LLEAP software to operate your simulators. This course will provide you with everything you need to know to get started.
As a simulation instructor, you will get an in-depth understanding of how the LLEAP software helps you to better run your scenarios.
Understanding the operational software platforms is a key skill to ensure efficiencies in the simulation center/program. These are generic across the simulators, and as such a key skill for all roles.
Dave was wonderful. I really liked that by the very end he had us 'teaching' him to use the equipment. This really tapped in to the educators in us and made the learning more valuable.
This one-day course for up to eight participants is delivered on-site at your facility by our Educational Service Specialist.
Providing quality healthcare is a journey. We want to walk with you on that journey. We have the experience and expertise, plus the size and scale, to ensure you get the support you need. With Laerdal Services, everyone benefits – the instructors, learners, and most importantly the patients.
It's our goal to understand your goals for your simulation program. We want to know your specific learning objectives, your challenges, and how you want your program to evolve over time.
Our people empower you to be your best. People like Danny, one of our experienced Educational Services Specialists.
The next step is the Scenarios Programming course. In this course, we develop customized scenarios targeted to meet your specific clinical or educational needs. Once developed, we install these scenarios on all of your operating devices and show you how to teach with the tailored scenarios.