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Nursing Anne avec électronique (version noire)

Nursing Anne avec électronique (version noire)

(version noire)

6 499,00 € Prix hors T.V.A. :

Date d’expédition prévue 13/03/2025

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Nursing Anne SimPad Capable is a manikin in brown skin tone designed for scenario-based training of the care and management of a wide variety of in-hospital patients. Training includes blood pressure measurement, sound auscultation, patient assessment and care. Nursing Anne is an efficient, effective, flexible manikin for clinical training and may be used with optional modules for women's health, obstetrics, post-partum care and wound assessment and care.

Product benefits:
  • Educationally effective for training core in-hospital skills, targeting specific skills of hospital care providers
  • Pre-programmed scenarios provide standardized training while customizable scenarios and real time instructor control allows adaptation to meet individual student needs
  • Economical and educationally efficient skills and scenario based training develops critical thinking by allowing students to perform assessments and interventions
  • Durable, rugged and lifelike; made to withstand years of use
  • Flexible manikin platform which allows multiple accessory modules to be added including wound assessment and carebreast exam, post-surgical mastectomy care and post-partum care in multiple clinical settings

Product features:
  • Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus, with simulated lungs and stomach allow the practice of many procedures, including NG, OG, tracheal care and suctioning
  • Students can auscultate normal and abnormal heart, lung and bowel sounds and fetal heart tones using a standard stethoscope.
  • Extensive ECG library for ECG interpretation using standard clinical monitors
  • Instructor-controlled blood pressure arm allows for realistic palpation and auscultation. Systolic and diastolic pressures, auscultatory gap, and volume are variable
  • IV cannulation, medication administration, site care and maintenance are allowed in the antecubital area and the dorsum of the hand, accessing the median, basilic, and cephalic veins
  • Ability to practice medication dose calculations and administration through intramuscular injections at the deltoid, dorsal gluteal, ventral gluteal and thigh sites
  • Realistic male and female urinary catheterization and enema procedures may be performed with fluid return
  • The SimPad System allows for increased functionality including creating, editing, and running of scenarios. Pre-programmed scenarios available on SimStore help educators standardize teaching
  • Wound modules may be added to create realistic scenarios for wound assessment and care

Includes: 1 Adult, Female, Full-Body Manikin, 1 Female Multi-Venous IV Training Arm-Left, 1 Female Blood Pressure Training Arm-Right, 1 Blood Pressure Cuff, 1 Male Genitalia, 1 Female Genitalia, 3 Urinary Connector Valves, 3 Anal Connector Valves, 4 Clamps, 1 100cc Slip Tip Syringe, 1 Can Manikin Lubricant, 1 Hospital Gown and Directions for Use

Please note:  A SimPad System is required for operation of the Nursing Anne SimPad Capable. SimPad Systems are sold separately. See the SimPad System page for more information.

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