Transforming CPR Education
Rooted in the latest science, our training programs lead providers on an immediate journey to high-quality resuscitation.

Rooted in the latest science, our training programs lead providers on an immediate journey to high-quality resuscitation.
The right resuscitation program can make all the difference for delivering the highest standard of care. But widespread healthcare staff shortages and the ongoing effects of the pandemic are putting a huge strain on the healthcare system and are driving the need for time-efficient, resource-optimised, and high-quality resuscitation education to quickly recover the backlog created.
Leveraging the latest resuscitation and education science can help busy healthcare organisations make the most of their resources to provide effective resuscitation training and the highest level of care.
Take advantage of the digital learning technologies and education science featured our Resuscitation Qulaity Improvement Programme (RQI)
Make a change today. Begin the journey to high-quality resuscitation to maximise lifesaving outcomes.
Verified Competence
Experts agree – small imperfections to CPR are harmful to patients and skills are perishable. The ability to consistently administer high-quality CPR is critical to improving outcomes and is the last chance for survival in a cardiac arrest emergency.
The Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI) programme provides a high-reliability platform for simulation-based mastery learning, implemented through low-dose, high-frequency quality improvement sessions that measure and verify competence to help healthcare providers retain and master life-saving skills.
The quarterly RQI curriculum delivers cognitive eLearning and self-directed skills training in manageable sessions at the point of care.
Your organisation's resuscitation program directly impacts the quality of patient care—but not all resuscitation programs are created equal. Our CPR training programs are built using AHA resuscitation and education science, coupled with Laerdal Medical equipment and technology. These comprehensive solutions combine the latest resuscitation technology, data, analytics, and impact management, delivered through a robust system of support. Helping you to improve BLS compliance quickly and efficiently.