The Circle of Learning
A systematic approach to learning
The Circle of Learning is a systematic approach to learning and teaching. It can be used to help organize and prioritize the areas of learning most relevant to your educational objectives.
SimJunior is an interactive pediatric simulator, designed by Laerdal with the American Academy of Pediatrics to meet the education and training needs of healthcare providers.
SimJunior represents a 6-year-old boy that simulates a wide range of conditions from a healthy, talking child to an unresponsive, critical patient with no vital signs.
SimJunior allows learners to focus on a broad range of pediatric skills in order to gain exposure and practical experience of life-threatening pediatric problems.
Available with a range of Technical and Educational Services, as well as validated simulation content, SimJunior presents a complete simulation solution for your pediatric training programs.
Learner outcomes improve through structured debriefing after a simulation-based learning event. SimCapture seamlessly integrates with LLEAP (for PC and SimPad PLUS) providing a debriefing and assessment solution that captures audio, video, annotations, the patient monitor, and simulator data in a single web-based interface.
Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, you now have new opportunities to integrate the latest technologies into pediatric and newborn training programs.
Pairing this product solution with educational content developed and validated by organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, allows learners to master the skills needed to care for pediatric patients and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
SimJunior is an interactive pediatric simulator, designed by Laerdal with the American Academy of Pediatrics to meet the education and training needs of healthcare providers.
Simulated spontaneous breathing
Observable chest rise
Variable respiratory rates
Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
Detect mechanical ventilations (including no ventilations)
Bag Valve Mask capable
Normal and abnormal breath sounds
Oxygen saturation and waveform (Optional Patient Monitor)
Breathing complicationsLeft and right lungs can be either closed or opened to allow ventilations
The SimJunior airway is anatomically modeled as far as the trachea.
Realistic airway with landmarks
Oral and nasal intubation
LMA or ET insertion
Tongue oedema
NG tube
Cricoid cartilage
Head tilt and jaw thrust (no sensor)
Defibrillation and cardioversion
Extensive ECG library
Multiple heart sounds synchronized with ECG
ECG rhythm monitoring (3 leads)
12 lead ECG display (Optional Patient Monitor)
Chest Compressions
Compliant with 2015 AHA and ERC Guidelines
CPR compressions generate palpable carotid pulses, blood pressure waveform, and ECG artifacts
Detection and logging of a series of compressions in the data log
Vascular Access
IV access (right arm and hand)
Intraosseous access (right tibia)
Blood pressure measured manually by auscultation of Korotkoff sounds
Bilateral carotid and unilateral brachial and radial (left side) pulses synchronized with ECG
Pulse strength variable with BP
Pulse palpation is detected and logged
Patient voice
Pre-recorded sounds
Wireless microphone
Other Features
Interchangeable pupils
Session Viewer (PC operation)
Web-camera recording
Review event log together with synchronized recording of the patient monitor and in-room video
Patient Monitor (Optional)
Highly configurable
Simulates several parameters including:
Heart rate, ECG, SPO2, NIBP, ETCO2
12 lead ECG display
Educational Services
Introduction to SimJunior
Scenario Programming
Technical Services
Professional Installation
Preventive Maintenance
Extended Warranty
Additional Accessories