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Upgrade Your Laerdal-SonoSim Ultrasound Solution

Get more flexibility and control in your ultrasound simulation training

Unlock access to updated content and resources with LSUS 2.0. A new user interface and improved integrations with LLEAP allow users to change the heart and respiratory rates within real ultrasound images.

Enhanced training in a risk-free environment

LSUS 2.0 provides more flexibility for your learners. Access built-in technology to run simulations on-the-fly, fully supported by improved scenario content that allows you to run your simulations however you choose.

Users can now control both the heart rate and respiratory rate of ultrasound images, adding flexibility when creating dynamic scenarios.

Other new enhancements include:

  • New ultrasound interface
  • Access to all available content for compatible simulator
  • Access to support resources for Peer-to-Peer training

In order to upgrade, you will likely need a new SonoSim Laptop, however, you get to continue to use your remaining LSUS hardware. A Laerdal representative can help walk you through the process. If you are interested in learning more, please fill out the Request More Information form below.


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