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Worry-Free Simulation

Simulator Upgrade Promotion

Limited-time exclusive offer​

Making the Switch Has Never Been This Simple​

Training current and future healthcare providers is a huge responsibility. Using older equipment in your simulation lab comes with its risks of unexpected downtime, resource availability for equipment upkeep, budgets and organizational hurdles.​

Minimize downtime and maximize education with Worry-Free Simulation, an exclusive, limited time upgrade promotion from Laerdal Medical for existing customers to enjoy considerable savings while also avoiding any training disruption.

Discover our newest simulators equipped with the latest advancements and provide a premier simulation experience.

How does it work?

Now through December 31st, 2023, existing Laerdal customers who own an eligible manikin can participate in this upgrade promotion.

With each upgrade to any new Laerdal simulator included in this promotion, customers will receive complimentary devices, accessories, and/or services for a more complete solution. Offer varies depending on the simulator purchased and cannot be combined with any other offers, discounts, or promotions.​

Lær mer om Worry-Free Simulation

Vi vil håndtere dine personlige kontaktopplysninger med forsiktighet som beskrevet Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

Vi vil håndtere dine personlige kontaktopplysninger med forsiktighet som beskrevet Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

Have an old Laerdal manikin you want to dispose of?​

​During this promotional period, Laerdal will help you properly dispose of your old manikins at no additional cost to you. Speak with your Laerdal representative for more details.​

This is a limited-time offer for existing customers, expiring on Dec 31, 2023. Customers receive one simulator-specific package for every eligible simulator purchase. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.