Peer-to-Peer Skills Development in Nursing
Educational Services
Implement skills development training in a way that allows students to practice until confident and competent.
Improve clinical competence
Improve competence and confidence through peer learning
It’s proven that peer learning activities can yield many positive results, including higher student engagement, increased confidence, improved competency and overall higher achievement and greater productivity in terms of learning outcomes.
A guided learning experience using specially developed scenarios
Peer-to-Peer Skills Development in Nursing allows you to effectively implement peer-to-peer learning and comes with 10 standard scenarios and introductory e-learning for both faculty and students to get you started.
Grounded in best practices from leading nursing textbooks, this comprehensive solution offers a formalized peer-led learning experience that can help students build competence and confidence in performing clinical skills.
Detailed instructor information based on learning objectives.
Step-by-step checklists of skills the learner should be able to demonstrate.
Comprehensive feedback for both learner and instructor in the event log.
Scenario checklists include:
- Blood Transfusion
- Central Line Dressing Change and Flush
- Head-to-Toe Assessment
- Indwelling Urinary Catheterization
- Medication Administration - Injections
- Medication Administration - Intravenous
- Medication Administration - Oral
- Nasogastric Tube Insertion
- Sterile Dressing Change
- Tracheostomy Care and Suctioning
E-Learning modules offer:
- Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Skills Development in Nursing
- Demonstrations of how to use Peer-to-Peer Skills Development in Nursing
- Access to scenario files including printable
- Downloads of each scenario checklist
What are the benefits in adopting Peer-to-Peer learning?

Increase Student Success
Research suggests there is a direct correlation between student confidence and student performance, which increases student graduation numbers. Peer-to-Peer learning allows students to practice at their own pace in a safe learning environment. It is designed to drive student engagement and increase student confidence through reinforcing learning and increasing retention, ultimately leading to higher student graduation numbers.

Make Learning Easier
There is plenty of evidence that technology can enhance students’ learning, particularly when they use the technology directly. Combining the power of the SimPad® PLUS intuitive touchscreen interface with step-by-step Peer-to-Peer scenarios offers students a comprehensive solution to make skill development easier.

Improve Equipment Utilization
Limited availability of faculty and staff is one of the main reasons training equipment is underused. Allowing students access to this equipment on their own time, to perform Peer-to-Peer Skills Development training in a way that is both standardized and curriculum driven, empowers your students to learn in a new and innovative way.
Training To Perfection
The introduction of Peer-to-Peer Skills Development at the University of Massachusetts Boston enabled students to practice with each other to build their competence and confidence in clinical skills. This opportunity allowed them to train over and over again until they were confident they had mastered both the required clinical and communication skills resulting in a significant improvement in their first time skills check pass rates.