"Uddannelsestjenester plejede at handle om produktet, men nu handler det mere om den bedste måde at bruge det på."
Kom godt og hurtigt i gang ved at lære, hvordan du bruger SimPad til at betjene din simulator.
Once you have completed the Getting Started course, you may want to gain some deeper insights into using your simulator. With a focus on software components, this course enables you to learn more about the LLEAP for SimPad Learning Application and how to better use your SimPad simulator system in your program.
This course gives you an enhanced knowledge of the SimPad and introduces you to the concept of scenario-based training.
As a simulation facilitator, an in-depth understanding of the SimPad helps you to better run your scenarios.
Understanding the operational software platforms is necessary to ensure your simulation center is efficient. These platforms are generic across the simulators, so it is relevant for all roles.
Our educational services technician did a great job of tailoring the class to our needs and creating a productive environment for learning.
Dette endagskursus har plads til op til otte deltagere, og det afholdes af vores service-specialist på din lokalitet.
Providing quality healthcare is a journey. We want to walk with you on that journey. We have the experience and expertise, plus the size and scale, to ensure you get the support you need. With Laerdal Services, everyone benefits – instructors, learners, and most importantly the patients.
It's our goal to understand your goals for your simulation program. We want to know your specific teaching objectives, your challenges, and how you want your program to evolve over time.
Our people empower you to be your best. People like Danny, one of our experienced Educational Service Specialists.
The next step is the Scenarios Programming course. In this course, we develop customized scenarios targeted to meet your specific clinical or educational needs. Once developed, we install these scenarios on all of your operating devices and show you how to teach with the tailored scenarios.