Miljoona elämää. Yhteinen tavoitteemme vuoteen 2030 mennessä
Laerdalin tavoitteena on auttaa pelastamaan miljoona ihmishenkeä joka vuosi vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Strategiaa ohjaa YK:n SDG tavoite numero 3, “Good health and well-being”.
Sitoutunut hiilineutraaleihin Circular-ratkaisuihin ja UNGP:n noudattamiseen koko Laerdalin liiketoiminnassa ja toimitusketjussa vuoteen 2030 mennessä.
Laerdal is committed to playing our part in a more sustainable future for all. Our mission of helping save lives, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have defined our pathway toward delivering innovative, lifesaving products and solutions while ensuring that we improve our environmental and social footprint. Sustainability is an important part of everything that we do. A full Sustainability Update with all aspects on sustainability will be coming soon.
Laerdal is measuring all aspects of emission in all parts of the organization. The emission numbers include scope 1, 2 and 3.
Even though several important emission reduction initiatives have been taken, we have seen an increase in our absolute emissions due to;
“If we can create value to the society at large, and do our job well, satisfactory economic results will follow – and allow us to build a stronger company with time.”
- Åsmund S. Lærdal