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Håndtere en pneumotoraks med ASL 5000™-lungeløsningen for SimMan®

Webinar på forespørsel


Learn how to conduct a post-op ventilator management scenario with this collaboratively developed solution integrating IngMar Medical's ASL 5000™ Lung Solution with Laerdal Medical's SimMan® platform. During this 30-minute webinar, IngMar Medical will present a scenario featuring a post-op patient on full ventilator support who then wakes up in respiratory distress.  During the webinar the patient’s condition will be assessed using the LLEAP Patient Monitor and the information presented on a real ventilator.

You will learn: 

  • How a hands-on ventilator management scenario can be simulated using LLEAP - the Laerdal Learning Application
  • How to conduct a scenario featuring a post-op patient who wakes up and begins “fighting the ventilator”
  • How to connect the appropriate physiological responses to a patient's condition as a scenario progresses

Tilgjengelig webinar på forespørsel

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