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CFPT Mk 3 Module 7: 14-16 semaines - Col de l'utérus enceinte

CFPT Mk 3 Module 7: 14-16 semaines - Col de l'utérus enceinte

de l'utérus enceinte

589,00 € Prix hors T.V.A. :

Date d’expédition prévue 22/04/2025

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Clinical Female Pelvic Trainer Mk 3 (CFPT): Module 7

14-16 weeks pregnant module for use with CFPT Mk3 trainer Standard (LIM-60900) or Advanced (LIM-60905)

* Please note that this module CANNOT be used with the CFPT Mk 2 - Standard or the CFPT Mk 2 - Advanced

  • As part of the Clinical Female Pelvic Trainer Mk3 for hands-on examination experience
  • Skin surface is washable using soap and water
  • Latex free