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COVID-19 aktion: Peer-to-Peer færdighedstræning & simulation
At implementere færdighedstræning i brug af værnemidler på en måde, der gør det muligt for klinikere at praktisere, indtil de er sikre og kompetente.
Lær, hvordan man implementerer simulation på en måde, der gør det muligt for studerende at øve sig, indtil de er sikre og kompetente.
Improve clinical competence
With many students per faculty, it may be a challenge to allow students enough time in simulation to improve both their competence and their confidence. Simulation based on the principles of peer learning is a novel approach rooted in sound pedagogical thinking. In a sense, it may be seen as “flipped classroom” applied to simulation.
By using standardized scenarios focusing on core nursing skills, students can practice together until they feel ready to have a member of faculty assess or review their performance. This methodology provides added flexibility and increase utilization of the simulation facilities.
Research suggests that there is a direct correlation between student confidence and student performance, which increases student graduation numbers. Peer-to-Peer learning allows students to practice at their own pace in a safe learning environment without the need for faculty to be present. It is designed to drive student engagement and increase student confidence through reinforcing learning and increasing retention, ultimately leading to higher student graduation numbers.
Money spent on equipment that sits idle and unused is a poor investment. Get the most out of available equipment resources by letting students use it to train on relevant learning objectives using Peer-to-Peer learning pre-programmed scenarios when it is not used in an organized class setting. Increasing the number of hours your task trainers and manikins are being used for educational purposes increases your return on investment.
The lack of available and qualified staff to run simulation-based education is one of the main reasons that training equipment is underused. Allowing students access to this equipment in their own time, to perform Peer-to-Peer simulation training in a way that is both standardized and curriculum driven, empowers your students to take charge of their own learning in a new and innovative way.