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Opioid Ed. for HCP Healthcare Prov. ELearn

Opioid Ed. for HCP Healthcare Prov. ELearn

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*This course is intended for US audiences only.

Course Description:

The AHA’s Opioid Education for Healthcare Providers Course is a self-directed, eLearning course that teaches all levels of clinical healthcare providers (EMTs/paramedics, nurses, physicians, mid-level providers) how to provide immediate treatment and care for opioid overdose victims. The course educates participants in the pathophysiology of opioid overdose; special considerations on how to care for overdose patients, including naloxone administration; recognizing the need for high-quality CPR; and use of a defibrillator as indicated*. The course offers information on the importance and types of resources available for individuals after an opioid overdose, including medication-assisted therapies. This course covers adults only.


Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Describe the current opioid epidemic in the US

• Review prescription pain medications and other drugs in the opioid epidemic

• Describe opioid effects on the brain

• Describe the pathophysiology of opioid overdose

• Identify the various types of presentations of opioid overdose

• Define what naloxone is and how it works

• Identify when naloxone should be administered

• Describe how naloxone is administered

• Review care considerations after an opioid overdose

o Describe the potential risk of a subsequent opioid overdose

o Describe medication assisted therapy and alternative pain management strategies


For successful completion of this course, resulting in a course completion certificate, students must:

• Review all modules and knowledge checks

• Pass a knowledge skills test with a minimum score of 84%


* Knowledge of how to perform CPR, including opening the airway, administering rescue breaths, and performing high-quality chest compressions, as well as early use of an AED, is highly recommended before taking this course.


Product Specifications:

This self-directed, eLearning course is for use by a single student. Product specifications include:

• Course modules include:

o Recognition and treatment of opioid overdose (use of CPR and reversal agents)

o Details of the opioid epidemic and opioid use disorder

o Pathophysiology of pain and opioids leading to addiction

o Managing acute pain with alternative pain management options

• Meets web accessibility requirements

• Approximate completion time: 30 minutes

• Certificate of completion available upon successful course completion

• Course content available for 24 months (2 years) following activation


Intended Audience:

Opioid Education for Healthcare Providers is intended for

• EMTs/Paramedics

• Nurses

• Physicians

• Mid-level healthcare providers