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International ACLS-EP Course Completion eCard

International ACLS-EP Course Completion eCard

International Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support for Experienced Providers (ACLS-EP) Course Completion eCard

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An eCard is the electronic equivalent of a printed course completion card and can be provided to students as an alternative to a printed card. eCards are valid course completion cards and can be presented to employers as proof of successful completion of an AHA course. Like printed cards, eCards expire two years from the issue date.

Intended Audience
AHA course completion cards should be provided by AHA Training Center Coordinators to students who successfully complete an AHA course.
AHA course completion cards are available for purchase only to authorized AHA Training Center Coordinators. Training Center Coordinators must use their Training Center security code to order course cards. Per the AHA Program Administration Manual (PAM), ACLS Instructor Cards should be provided by AHA Training Center Coordinators to Instructors who successfully complete an AHA ACLS Instructor Course and required course monitoring by Training Center Faculty.

Product Specifications 
Each eCard comes with the option of two templates:
• Electronic wallet sized card
• Electronic certificate