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Pocket Mask HC (J)

Pocket Mask HC (J)

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The Laerdal Pocket Mask is designed for mouth-to-mask ventilation of a non-breathing adult, child or infant as a barrier between the rescuer and patient. For use on an infant, the mask may be turned 180° to achieve a better seal.

Product Features

    • Laerdal Pocket Mask in a hard plastic case (1)
    • Filter (1)
    • One-way Valve (1)
    • Gloves (1)
    • Wipe (1)
    • User Guide (1)
  • Mask

    • Width: 12.3 cm / 4.8 in
    • Height: 10.1 cm / 3.9 in
    • Depth: 3.3 cm / 1.3 in


    • Width: 3.9 cm / 1.5 in
    • Height: 4.5 cm / 1.7 in
    • Depth: 2.9 cm / 1.1 in


    • Width: 3.9 cm / 1.5 in
    • Height: 1.8 cm / 0.7 in
    • Depth: 3.9 cm / 1.5 in
    • Weight: 0.115 kg / 0.25 lb